Our Impact


Pride Foundation Australia had a very successful year with over half a million dollars raised and over $400,000 of this granted to a wide range of organisations. We continue to focus on areas that are under-funded yet in huge need. We are very excited to see the impact of our funding.

We’ve come a long way since 2007…

$ 0 +
Grant funding provided to projects for LGBTQIA+ communities
$ 0 +
In co-funding, meaning we leverage over $2 for every $1 we spend
Major grants awarded
Small grants awarded
Research articles & reports published
Partnerships with organisations


Pride Foundation Australia became operational in 2007 and since that time we have: 
Funded a range of purposeful and impactful projects for and by LGBTQIA+ communities
donation, charity, humanity
Fundraised to increase the organisation’s scale and impact of projects and support our sustainability
Identified and built partnerships and collaborations with mainstream philanthropy
Commissioned projects to understand the needs of the LGBTQIA+ communities and people of Australia

Pictured: Mellem speaking at our Disability Forum in Feb 2019

Our Achievements

  • We have developed a truly national focus and reach.
  • We are growing incrementally in our fundraising and grant giving.
  • We are stimulating further funding development by seed funding areas of need.
  • We are achieving long term social change in overcoming LGBTQIA+ disadvantage and discrimination.
  • We are building capacity through our partnerships and focus on collaboration, both within LGBTQIA+ community and in the mainstream, and developing capacity within our LGBTQIA+ communities across all ages and among the most marginalised groups. 
  • We rigorously evaluate our work to demonstrate the impact that our donors and partners achieve, and to continuously improve our effectiveness and efficiency.

Our Major Grants Program

We funded the first project in 2011. In 2015 we co-funded for the first time with The Sidney Myer Foundation to offer a grant round, and this collaboration continues over two grant rounds per year. In 2016 our first bequest enabled further expansion of our grants program.

Now, we have 2 major targeted grant rounds every year in collaboration with the Sidney Myer Fund, with a total amount of $40,000 (of which PFA contributes $20,000) granted per year. We measure success in a number of ways including the grant round traction, the application success rate, the national reach and the geographical reach.

Pictured: Refugee Advice & Casework Service, recipient of a PFA & Sidney Myer Grant in 2020

Major Grant Focus Areas


Families, Individual commission


Youth, Families and Ageing


Ageing, with Sidney Myer Fund


Disability, with Sidney Myer Fund


Suicide, individual commission; donor preference


Refugee and Asylum Seekers, with Sidney Myer Fund


Since 2016, we’ve funded major grant rounds of up to $25,000 towards systemic change for the betterment of LGBTQIA+ communities.

Supporting grassroots lgbtqia+ organisations

Since July 2017 we have had 4 small grant rounds per year for a total of $10,000, with most rounds resulting in 4 to 5 small grants awarded of $500 each. These grants have been increasingly popular amongst individuals and tiny grass roots LGBTQIA+ organisations. A total of 156 applications have been received to December 2020 resulting in 67 small grants receiving a total of $27,500.

The Small Grants program fills a gap that has existed in philanthropic support for small community groups, especially in regional and rural areas and for emerging activist and community groups. We understand that it is often difficult for these groups to access our large grants or mainstream philanthropy due to the requirement for legal status such as incorporation, and DGR status or finding an auspice that has DGR status.

Notably, a higher proportion of rural and regional applications have been successful than in the larger grant rounds with 28 of the 56 successful applicants (50%) being rural or regional compared with 17% of the large grant applicants.

Location of successful small grant applicants

AllOut social group, Blacktown NSW, Small grant recipient round 2, 2019 for low-risk social events within a safe space, and by establishing and promoting positive representations of queer people in Blacktown

“We were able to comfortably resource a number of events across a four month period. Examples of these events included a pizza and games night, (non-alcoholic) paint-n-sip event, and an end of year dinner event. We saw an estimate of 80 young people attending one or more of the events across the four month period.

We were unexpectedly contacted by a NDIS support worker youth service. At two of our events (paint-n-sip, end of year dinner) we hosted multiple LGBTIQ+ young people from this service. This was a benefit as it allowed us to develop connections with other services and become more inclusive as a service ourselves.”

Past Small Grant Recipients

Our Small Grants Program has been running since 2017. We are the only philanthropic organisation providing small funds to grassroots community organisations that improve the resources and connection for the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Stay in the know

Subscribe to the Pride Foundation Australia newsletter to find out about new grant opportunities, celebrate successful recipients and find out about the latest PFA news.