The Wee Waa Rotaract Club is a diverse youth group based in the town of Wee Waa comprised of mostly LGBTQ+ individuals. Their members come from various backgrounds and include Indigenous Australians, scientists, authors, educators, artists, miners and young veterans just to name a few. While they are all different, they all have the common goal to improve Wee Waa’s community and will work as a team to make that happen.
The Wee Waa Rotaract Club’s video game night is designed to bring together young members of Wee Waa and surrounding towns every second Saturday. This event offers a safe and welcoming place to play video games, board games, and socialize.
Wee Waa is a small rural town with a population of around 2,000 people. Our Rotaract club is a youth group for ages 18-35, with 16 members. The Wee Waa Rotaract Club aims to create an environment where all young community members can come together and interact with our LGBTQ+ members.
Given Wee Waa’s significant Indigenous population, many of their members are both LGBTQ+ and Indigenous Hosting the event at the Wee Waa Arts and Cultural Centre allows their members to discuss upcoming cultural projects.