Past Small Grants Recipients

Naomi Ball

With a love for both fiction and documentary, Naomi Ball has been working as a director, producer and assistant director on short films, web series and content.

Influenced by her experience as a queer woman and a passion for social and environmental justice, she seeks out stories that amplify diverse voices and change minds through entertaining narratives. Most recently Naomi has been directing and producing social impact content for non-profits and purpose-driven organisations, and directing an independent documentary about trans youth.

“Who I Am” is a short documentary film exploring the surprisingly common crossover of transgender and neurodiverse identities, through the journey of Charlie, a trans teen who is also autistic. Central to the film are Charlie’s own original animated characters, which guide the viewer into Charlie’s inner world. 

The Pride Foundation Small Grant will be used to pay Charlie for designing the animated characters that will feature in the film.

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