Past Small Grants Recipients

Dae Knight

Playroom is an upcoming week-long exhibition at Blindside ARI (Artist Run Initiative) in December 2023. It invites Trans and Gender-Diverse (TGD) artists to explore “Queer Childhood” through artwork and drag performances. A key element of the exhibition is that visitors can create dolls of themselves as an interactive component. Curated by TGD curators Dae Knight and Zoë Sydney, mentored by Zara Sully though Blindside’s emerging curator program, it promotes Queer art, claims Queer space in childhood, and supports Queer artists. The artist include Zeth Cameron (they/them – confirmed), Xanthe Dobbie (they/them – confirmed), Ivan Jeldres (they/them – confirmed) as well as two other artists to be confirmed with additional funding.

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