We’re pleased to be able to announce the recipients of our Small Grants Round 1 for 2022. We were able to award nine successful applicants a $750 small grant towards the important work they’re doing in their local communities to support LGBTQIA+ people. Read more about our latest round of Small Grant recipients and their fantastic projects below.

Rainbow on the Reef
Rainbow on the Reef is a group for LGBTIQA+ people and their allies, who have come together to help nurture a culture of pride in identity and diversity for Gladstone and beyond.
The award of their Small Grant will be used to provide a light supper at six Rainbow on the Reef community gatherings over 6 months, to provide comfort and support connection for attendees.
BLACKBOOKS® is Australia’s premiere Aboriginal owned social enterprise selling books and educational resources produced by, for and about First Nations Australia. Included in this endeavour is the development of outLOUD: a First Nations LGBTQIA+ story and writing group, to increase the confidence and skills of First Nations LGBTQIA+ community members to share their stories through writing, publishing and or performance.
Their Small Grant is funding pay honorarium to emerging and established First Nations LGBTQIA+ writers and performers.

Fruit Box Theatre
Fruit Box Theatre are committed to developing and staging original theatrical works in Sydney, Australia that reflect the full spectrum of LGBTQIA+ lived experience.
The receipt of this Small Grant will pay five LGBTQIA+ actors and one LGBTQIA+ playwright for their participation in Fruit Box Theatre’s Ripe Development Program.

LGBTI Community Ageing Network
LGBTI CAN inspires the wellbeing and inclusion of LGBTI+ Seniors in Sunshine Coast areas by connecting them and their carers with trusted services. Alongside Queensland Council of LGBTI Health, LGBTI CAN will be holding a forum to inform our older/ageing communities to be inspired to take control of their future through physical and mental health, wellbeing and environment, through advanced life planning.
They will be using their Small Grant to partially cover the fee for the event MC.

Bellingen High School
Located in the Bellingen Valley, the area’s cultural diversity is well known and is reflected in a wide range of teaching programs at Bellingen High School.
The school’s Rainbow Club are using their Small Grant to fund a Parents and Teachers Q&A evening discussing issues such as understanding gender, pronouns, sexuality, transitioning.

Artemis Munoz
Artemis is a multidisciplinary artist primarily known for their work in Independent Theatre and Cabaret. They are proud to be a working bi-racial, queer and neurodivergent artist and are passionate about bringing greater access and representation to the arts.
This Small Grant provided funding towards the performance of Utter Mess, a cabaret about identity and language, at La Mama Theatre, Carlton. La Mama Theatre have provided an in-kind $12,000 production package to cover costs associated with the performance.

Bilo Rainbow and Central Queensland Rural Health
Bilo Rainbow are a community group focused on celebrating the LGBTQI+ community of Biloela. In partnership with Central Queensland Rural Health, they are holding the first Pride event in Biloela’s history in June of 2022 with a Pride in the Park picnic.
The funding from this Small Grant is going towards the event, which will deepen community connection, create a safe place for LGBTQ+ people and youth in particular.

The TLLPC is a collaboration in life and society between Gail Ellis and Lisette Claremont Goulet. This collaboration has come about to inform, unite and guide society in the finer arts of how to be inclusive.
The funding from this grant was used towards TLLPC’s International Transgender Day Of Visibility Day celebration, of all things transgender with music, poetry, comedy and spoken word.
Alphabet Soup Youth Group & Taster Property
Alphabet Soup Youth Group are a Wagga-based LGBTQI+ Youth Group [13-18], all about inclusivity, support and kindness. Together with youth community centre Taster Property, Alphabet Soup are holding a LGBTQIA+ Youth Disco for community in the Wagga Wagga and the Riverina region.
The funds from this grant cover the catering for the LGBTQIA+ youth disco.