GALFA-Myer Foundation grant round outcomes 2018

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We partnered with the Sidney Myer Foundation in two grant rounds in 2018, both focused on LGBTIQ Australians living with disability.

In June we awarded a grant of $14,388 to Mellem Rose at Spectrum Intersections at Aspergers Victoria. The project is called ‘Interpreting the Spectrums: Understanding Barriers to Healthcare for the LGBTIQA+ Autistic Community project’ and will develop a guide for health providers to support more sensitive and inclusive care for LGBTIQA+ patients living with neurodiversity including autism.

In November, the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration at University of NSW, led by Kim Burns, was awarded $20,000 for the evaluation and wider dissemination of an eLearning Resource developed for those supporting LGBTI people with Dementia and Changed Behaviours.

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